Interactive Trauma-Informed Training and Consulting
Turning current neuroscience research into practical interventions
We provide training for anyone who works with trauma survivors. Our trainings bring neurobiology to life using common language and interventions for clinicians, caseworkers, birth and foster parents, developmental disabilities service providers and others.

Who Can Benefit
...from Resilience Intervention Training?
Foster Parents
Social Workers
Direct Support Professionals
Court Personnel
Detention Center Staff
Health Care Professionals
Child Life Specialists
Advocacy Groups
Community Organizing Groups
...and many others!
“This is the best training I have been to in 35 years as an educator!”
Special Educator
“This was the best in-service I’ve ever attended."
Social Worker
"This training changed the way I approach my job. It gave me a perspective, a lens, and a new outlook on human behavior."
Behavior Support Manager

Rx for Success
Experiencing complex trauma can limit a person's ability to access common cognitive based interventions. Our trainings emphasize sensory and expressive interventions, which reach the subcortical regions of the brain.
Our Trainers and Consultants
Experts in Trauma Responsive Care
You heal, but not by yourself